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Tuesday, 30 June 2015
Where To Invest For 2-3 Years? For US Or UK

Where To Invest For 2-3 Years? For US Or UK

In his private consulting practice in recent years have increasingly faced with the question of where to invest optimally for a period of 2-3 years? Indeed, not all are ready for long-term investments for a period exceeding 10 years. And now, in the period of the nervous economic situation in the world, the issue of short-medium-term investment could not be relevant. So what?

Only prescription is not, so I expounded below - only "one version of the truth." So here's what we have today. It is the unstable situation in Europe, associated with the debt crisis, especially in Greece. Despite the approval of the next tranche of aid, this is not the end, but rather a postponement of solving the problem on a slightly longer term. Aside from Greece, other European countries are also not all right, what proof - the downgrade of some countries international rating agencies. However, they, too, can be understood - they must somehow rehabilitate his ruffled mortgage crisis in the US reputation when they gave AAA rating mortgage securities of dubious quality. For what it may lead:

The euro as the currency of today seems to me a pretty unstable, so invest now in euros - it seems a little risky. The only acceptable option for me Euro-investment - an investment in a rental property, and only in Germany, which, in my opinion, is the most reliable of the European countries. Investing in rental properties can be in the form of real buying apartments / hotels / apartment houses with a guaranteed lease (leaseback) and, preferably, with a guaranteed repurchase (buyback), and investing in real estate closed-end funds that invest in a rental property in Germany (REIT). All other types of investment in the euro seem to me quite risky: deposits in euro at the weakness of the euro can bring a real loss. The bonds of the euro-zone during the debt crisis - even Bole dubious investment. Shares of European companies, I believe that today have a low potential for growth, as European countries are part of austerity, and we can hardly expect rapid growth.

Where To Invest For 2-3 Years? For US Or UK
Where To Invest For 2-3 Years? For US Or UK

With regard to investments in shares, as such, for a period of 2-3 years, I do not see them as the best tool for investment. The world is in crisis, and to talk about the dynamic economic development is not necessary.

Bonds, by contrast, seems to me an interesting tool (not European). First of all, perhaps, I would recommend corporate bonds of US companies, because their rate of return is a more or less decent level compared to Treasury securities with a minimum rate of return (as befits the most reliable tool). They can go into and through funds (mutual funds, ETF), or directly through a brokerage account. Bonds should choose the largest companies that Bole or less regularly pay dividends. After all, it is - a sign of the lack of liquidity crisis.

Gold - Today most controversial asset for investment. In recent weeks, the price of gold has risen strongly. On the other hand, if the saturation of the economy with money the practice continues, inflation can not be avoided, and, therefore, investors will flee again to look for gold hedge against inflation. Also, if the instability in the European economy and unnecessarily slow recovery of the US economy, investors may also draw their attention to gold as a safe haven during a storm. Today, I would recommend to go into gold either through structured notes with 100% capital protection on the growth of gold, either in the form of coins or impersonal metallschetov. Another thing I think investing in gold does not have to start in the near future, I believe the price of gold may be slightly adjusted. Therefore, in respect of gold I would recommend to keep abreast and come into the asset when prices for the metal.

Deposits - an interesting option, especially now that the rates on them have grown, even in the most reliable banks. The problem is that the maximum rates are now offered in relation to the ruble deposits, and the prospects of the ruble today is not very clear, much will depend on the situation in Europe and the US, the price of oil. So I would recommend to take advantage of attractive interest rates on ruble deposits, but in rubles to keep 30-40% of the money, not more, and to open deposits for 2-3 years in order to maximize the rate, but with the possibility of a partial withdrawal, to be able to quickly withdraw money from deposit and move them into other assets. More interesting to me to be dollar-denominated deposits, and here's why. Bids on them also rose slightly, but the whole interest is now also in the cheapness of the dollar against the ruble. Therefore, it seems to me an interesting exchange rubles for dollars in order to place a dollar for dollar contributions for up to 2-3 years, once again, with the possibility of a partial withdrawal.

Real estate - it is a long-term asset, but in the long term of 2-3 years of investment it can also be considered. It may come through investment funds REIT, any investment in real properties with a guaranteed repurchase 3 years. Both variants entering the property - foreign, mainly in Germany and the UK.

So, let's sum up. Where it is possible to invest for a period of 2-3 years?

  • The deposits in rubles and dollars (not more 30-40% in rubles) for up to 2-3 years. Deposits must be a possibility of a partial withdrawal.
  • In the corporate bonds of US companies. Bonds should choose the largest companies that Bole or less regularly pay dividends.
  • The gold - but not now, and waiting for a slight reduction in the price of gold. You can go through structured notes with 100% capital protection, coins, metallscheta.
  • The property - in real estate funds abroad, as well as through investments in real objects with a guaranteed redemption after 3 years. Possible options for countries   -Germany, UK.
  • But in general, the investment for a period of 2-3 years should pass on the slogan maximum flexibility, diversification and liquidity, so your portfolio should consist of at least 2-3 of the above assets.
Friday, 26 June 2015
Housing Prices - Ahead To New Records? Mortgage Loans

Housing Prices - Ahead To New Records? Mortgage Loans

Recently, analysts real estate market recorded a significant event: the average cost per square meter of residential real estate in New York crossed pre-crisis peak. And while we are talking about is the price of the dollar and the US region of one (albeit the most important one), do not be amiss to recall what happened three or four years ago.

Then, in late 2013, it has been a favorite pastime of many competition in the apocalyptic predictions. Experts of all sizes, often from a very reputable organizations argued as prices fall - 30, 50% or more. Especially hotheads predicted price drop in a few times. Few Against this background, pointing to the short duration of this trend and excellent long-term prospects of the real estate market. Nobody wanted to stake his reputation, because forecasting house prices - quite a complex and thankless job. Meanwhile, both then and now for the benefit of price increases, and goes on to say said plenty of fundamental factors that are not only not disappeared, but over the years, perhaps only intensified its action.

Despite some problems, the economy has enormous potential for growth, in contrast to developed economies. In these countries, observed in recent years, economic growth has been driven by excessive stimulation of consumer demand through loans. The situation is fundamentally different from the situation observed in developed economies. In our country, the population's demand for many goods and services are not satisfied. And the demand for residential real estate is a prime example - in our country, the number of square meters of living space per one person, 25% lower than in Eastern Europe, almost 2 times lower than in Europe, three times lower than in the US (data for 2014).

Another problem is the volume of new construction. We have many years of marking time in the range of 50-60 million square feet. per year. In order to increase the security of the population living spaces per 1 sq. m, it is necessary to build more than 140 million square feet. m. This figure does not take into account the disposal of old stock. Recall that in the structure of the housing stock of the country account for a large proportion of the so-called temporary housing (the expected service life of about 15 years). In the total housing stock of the country the share of new housing is relatively small. Only 19.3% of residential buildings put into operation after 1995. The bulk of housing is (43.2%), dates back to 1971-1995 years of construction. Another 37.5% of housing put into operation up to 70 years of the twentieth century.

The situation is complicated by the fact that due to lack of investment in infrastructure in previous years, as well as the complexity of the design and coordination of projects to rapidly increase the volume of construction is not possible. According to the Government, before the end of the current decade, every year in our country should be administered approximately 90 million square feet. meters of housing. Even if you do not take into account disposals (obsolescence) of the housing stock, then the construction of such volumes, our country will not reach the current average European level of security even in 2020.

The situation is different with demand factors. Between the crisis of the economy has developed very good pace. Since 1999, GDP grew by an average of more than 5% per year. In the same period, real disposable income and retail trade turnover grew by an average of 8.6 and 9.5% per year, respectively, while the average real wage growth was 12.9% in the year. As a result, for 11 years, real GDP grew by 78%, while real disposable income and retail trade turnover at constant prices have more than doubled. During the same period, real wages increased more than 3 times. Despite the crisis, which began in 2008, the economic growth of previous years has created the preconditions for increasing the purchasing power of the citizens. From 2000 to 2010, annual average nominal income per person increased from 972 to 7550 dollars. At the same time, GDP per capita increased from 1783 to 10,962 dollars. We expect that in the period 2014-2017 the rate of real GDP growth will be in the range of 4.2-4.8%. The main contribution to GDP growth will boost investment and growth in final consumption by the population, fueled by credit growth. Taking into account the deflator is easy to assume that the forecast of nominal GDP will be calculated in double digits.

It is also important to note that as a result of the crisis GDP structure somewhat deformed - redistribution of income in favor of the state household. This step was taken by the state to mitigate social tensions. This redistribution is largely made possible because of the high proportion of public sector employees (more than 50% of the total employed population).

On the one hand, actively indexed wages, on the other hand, rapidly increasing pensions and unemployment benefits. In other words, the state pursued an active social policy. As a result, in 2009 the share of income of the population increased to 73%. In our view, the share of income will return to the average pre-crisis levels, as the redistribution of income in favor of the state households - a temporary measure. However, this greatly increased the base for household savings. Part of the revenue is deposited in the form of savings, will increase steadily as the proportion of expenditure on the purchase of real estate.

Housing Prices - Ahead To New Records? Mortgage
Housing Prices - Ahead To New Records? Mortgage Loans

The greatest trust of the population in US are still in the banks, so a large proportion of savings falls on bank deposits. Was interrupted in mid-2008, the inflow of deposits in banks has resumed in late 2008. Since then, the share of deposits in the structure of citizens' savings grew steadily. This occurred mainly due to uncertainty about the level of future earnings.

We believe that gradually the share of deposits in the structure of the savings will start to shrink, while the housing market has all chances to become one of the beneficiaries of this process. This will be due to increased public confidence in the future and increase the availability of mortgages, low housing supply of the population of US. Do not forget that according to opinion polls over 50% of our population are considering investing in real estate as one of the most reliable way of savings.

Another major factor in the growth of the real estate market becomes a transition from the recovery of the mortgage market to its further development. The past year was marked by the fact that the terms of mortgage lending in the first half of the year was even more attractive than in the pre-crisis period of 2008. This greatly contributed to the significant amounts of excess liquidity accumulated on the balance sheets of banks.

Initially, the growth of availability of mortgage loans has led only to an increase in activity in the real estate market and an end to price cuts; thereupon pulled up prices. This is not surprising: lending rates are at rather low values, while the volume of new loans exceeding their historical highs. The importance of this factor eloquently operating performance public developers: the share of mortgage transactions in the total volume of transactions reached 30%.

To sum up the analysis of demand factors, we can say the transition from the post-crisis recovery of the economy to the gradual development, the growth of money supply and incomes, improving the availability of mortgage loans that persistently pushes up prices. Recurring economic crisis may temporarily slow down this process, but not reverse it.

Prices will reach the top as long as the background on the basic needs of citizens to improve their living conditions will be stimulated by demand factors in the conditions of limited supply. And in order to stop this trend, you need something more than verbal intervention of the authorities. Only one way out - to build as many quality housing. The current situation in the sphere of housing construction brings to mind the analogy of the stock market, which is cheaper than the one from Apple. That and another - a shame for a country with a vast territory and almost a full set of natural resources.

But if the situation in the stock market is not very topical for the broad masses of the population, the expectation of serious progress in the sphere of housing affordability in a society without a doubt great. This kind of test capacity of the authorities in the economic sphere, the positive results that our citizens can feel for yourself. Otherwise, we shall often return to the record price in the housing market.
Friday, 5 June 2015
Subtleties Car Insurance

Subtleties Car Insurance

Many owners of new vehicles further insure them under the policy Hull. Apart from the fact that almost all the banks when issuing auto loans require the borrower to purchase additional insurance, such a policy will help in case of an accident to cover part of the cost of repairs. But what about the nuances silent insurers in the insurance contract?

In the first six months of 2014, the Federal Service for Insurance Supervision, which controls the activity of insurance companies, complained about 16000 people. Almost half of the complaints related to auto insurance. Unreasonable refusal to pay, reduction of the amount of compensation, delaying the timing - is the main, but not a complete list of violations of insurers.

How not to get in the number of those who are now forced to seek the assistance of officials? We examined the terms and conditions of insurance dozen major companies and to identify the provisions that might conceal a trick and that you should pay special attention to signing a contract with the insurer.

Installment: the risk to remain without insurance:

Many companies offer payment in installments of the policy. However, according to the rules of "Ingosstrakh", "AlfaStrakhovanie", "Renaissance Insurance", "Tsyurih.Riteyla" ROSNO and the Military-insurance company terminates the contract in case of delay in the payment of the next day.

"Rosgosstrakh-Stolitsa" admits the 10 days of delay, "RESO-Guarantee" - 15 "MSK-Standard" and "Uralsib" - 30 days. The "MSK-Standard" and "Uralsib" does not recognize the insurance cases that occurred during the delay of payment (which is slightly better than the termination of the contract: after making the money you do not have to re-call the evaluator, fill in the documents and so on. D.). A "RESO-Guarantee" on the contrary, will be fully responsible under the contract during this period. If payable in installments policy the insured event occurs, according to the rules of the majority of companies, the payment would be reduced by the amount not yet paid contributions.

Franchise: you will be required to advance:

Franchise is a part of the damage that the insurance company will not reimburse the customer. If, for example, the deductible - $ 500, all losses up to that amount the customer pays for itself. If the above - the difference is paid by the insurer. This franchise is most often used by domestic companies, called unconditional. Due to the small franchise insurers greatly reduce the flow of applications for payments, because most of the insurance cases - minor accident. Policy with a deductible cheaper, but its use can lead to additional complications.

The client, for example, directly on the place of accident should be able to accurately assess the damage that is difficult to do. If later it turns out that the price of repairs over the size of the franchise, and while you have already left the accident scene, is to require the insurer to pay the difference will not happen: no statement about the insurance case and protocol inspection of the car. There are other subtleties that if the insurance contract provides for the repair of the direction of the insurer, the company may ask the client (the rules of "Ingosstrakh") before the insurer to compensate the franchise. Only after that it will receive the corresponding direction.

Damage: Smokers get nothing:

The rules of the companies are many exceptions. Almost all insurers do not recognize the damage to the insured event the wheels not related to damage other machine elements. Usually non-refundable damage caused as a result of damage during normal operation of the vehicle.

Special article - fire. By definition, the insurers, in particular, "Tsyurih.Riteyla" is "burning because of external influence". Thus, if the car caught fire due to the wiring, the payment of damages in the majority of insurers do not see. Violation of fire safety rules, careless use of fire in the insured car - the reasons for the refusal. Under the careless handling of fire "Ingosstrakh", for example, understand the smoking in the cabin CAR.

Subtleties Car Insurance
Subtleties Car Insurance

A different look at the insurance company and the machines from harming animals: damage from accidents involving them is paid, and damage to vehicles, no pets in the accident are often excluded from coverage.

Hijacking: money in three months:

Pay special attention to this rule are: a hijacking insurers sometimes understand very different things. Criminal Code treats the theft as the taking vehicle without theft: someone took a car ride. The first two months of the police is the case of the theft, and then re-classified it in the theft. These subtleties worth remembering, learning the rules of insurance. If the insurer pays compensation only in the theft of a vehicle, it could mean a two-month delay in payment.

Therefore, payment periods for insurers can be different: ROSNO, for example, enough copies of the decision to institute criminal proceedings, to 10 days to pay the compensation. "Ingosstrakh" will pay for the completion of the preliminary investigation into the theft or theft (2-3 months).

Collection of information: it is better not to trust the insurer:

Insurers in most cases, require documentary evidence of the damage with all sorts of references, ranging from certificates from the traffic police and ending with references disaster. At the conclusion of the contract, some companies offer customers trust them to collect all these documents.
Before you agree, you should study in detail the conditions for the provision of this service and try to collect feedback on how faithfully the company fulfills its obligations to collect documents. Often, because of the slowness of the insurer delayed the proceedings for payment.

Dates: two ways to postpone retribution:

Personal insurance is important to inform the prescribed rules and contract terms. Must immediately notify the company in any way possible and then for 3-10 days to submit a written statement on the insurance case. Failure to do so rules can be grounds for refusal to pay.

Indemnify, or motivated to refuse payment to the insurer shall, within a specified period "from the date of receipt of all necessary documents." This phrase allows for massive delays in payments. Companies often request additional documents in order to pull in the payment, "lose" has received documents. Therefore, it makes sense to require the client a written justification of additional requests and retain a copy of all documents sent with a note on their admission. In the case of conflict situation to prove their case will be easier.

The size of the payment: unrealistic prices:

Insurers are trying to assess the size of the payment based on the factory prices for parts. In their work they use specific directories and programs - Eurotax, Mitchell, Motor, Audatex. Why did receive payment for repairs is often not enough? Firstly, the real cost of spare parts can be higher. Second, the price used in the calculation of hours of service centers for the insurance company (wholesale distributor customers) may be lower than for private clients.

A common variant of damages - car repair services to those recommended by. This can mean a long wait and poor quality of repair: Car insurers are not in attracting customers. The best option - paying bills after the repair service center, car owners conducted at his own expense. But this method of compensation raises the price of the policy 15-25%.
Insurance Does Not Replace The Power Of Attorney

Insurance Does Not Replace The Power Of Attorney

How often ordinary motorist thinks, what he needed power of attorney for driving a car? No, that will tell his nearest traffic police post, if it suddenly does not submit. And in general: Why do I need this document, handwritten owner of the car? In most cases, does not think: we must - write and go. Demand - shall present. So it is accepted, there is something to think about. Well, at least it is not necessary to certify the notary.

And yet with the advent of this insurance document, by and large, I lost the last point. Who already had a little, especially after the advent of electronic databases in the traffic police, if the machine is not stated in the hijacking, then the driver drives it legally, and there is no reason to require more and authorization. So it is accepted throughout the world, but for us it is too much freedom: everyone must prove that he is not a camel, and the car is not stolen. With the advent of CTP to prove this in fact was enough policy: because it listed all the citizens who trust the owner of the car driving right.

So reasoned the two State Duma deputy from the LDPR, Igor Lebedev, and Sergei Ivanov, and wrote an amendment to the law on providing replacement power of attorney to manage vehicle insurance policy. It is not a general power of attorney shall be certified by a notary public and gives the right, including, sell the car, but only about power of attorney to manage. "The owner of the vehicle insurance contract specifies the persons allowed them to control the vehicle, that is, in fact, indicates the persons to whom he gives the right to use" - write the deputies in the explanatory note to the bill, and added that the responsibility for driving without policy above than for driving without a power of attorney: a fine of 300 dollars and 100 dollars, respectively. And why do we need an additional document, if the policy is written, that liability is insured, which means that the citizen has the right to control the car.

It would seem that everything is logical, but the government has written a negative review on the bill, and the Committee on Financial Markets of the State Duma on January 18 recommended the lower house of parliament to reject it on formal grounds: not one law deputies propose to make changes. The arguments of the government deeper. Firstly, the insurer is not the owner of the vehicle, and therefore can not confirm the powers of citizen management.

 Moreover, the Government considers that by approving the replacement of the power of attorney by the insurance policy, it will impose on insurers' non-core functions to verify the legality of the transfer of rights to use reason. " Based on the logic of the government, if it is no one checks written out the legitimacy of the power of attorney, the law inscribed in the insurance policy will have to check the names. Maybe this is the logic, but some are very bureaucratic, inaccessible to the ordinary citizen. For example, all the same law will replace the authorization policy or not, and their views on this issue they do not have. Indeed, the case of the insurer in this case - the party, he was not concerned citizen who trusts his car. In contrast to the government.

Insurance Does Not Replace The Power Of Attorney
Insurance Does Not Replace The Power Of Attorney

The impact the government's argument, however, is not even "uncharacteristic" burden on the insurance companies, and trailers that insurance policy is not allowed. If you replace the authorization policy, trailers will remain outside the law: to manage them will not be anyone other than the owner. What if someone wants to steal the trailer? What about law enforcement? Really it is necessary to punch numbers through the database? It's time-consuming, and is it possible to allow controlled trailer without a warrant? Well, what if there are documents - can they fake. So what that the hijacking of a trailer is not declared - you may have forgotten.

Another argument against the insurance policy replacement attorney - power of attorney indicated passport data and address registration and the owner of the car, and to whom he entrusted the management. This is extremely important in a country where at the entrance to any institution must present a passport.

Negative feedback on the bill says more than any error of Deputies or not they belong to the party. The government is not prepared to actually take the presumption of innocence: every citizen should first demand the authorities to prove that he is not a criminal, and did not steal anything. E-government in its utilitarian sense - as a large database - this is not an assistant: the burden of proof rests with each citizen, so he has to carry a pile of documents.
Insurers Will Only Pay 20% Of  The Cost Of Spare Parts

Insurers Will Only Pay 20% Of The Cost Of Spare Parts

State Duma and the Federation Council have amended the law on compulsory motor TPL insurance, insurers are now in the payment of insurance will be entitled to take into account the degree of deterioration of the affected parts.

20 percent of the parts - only to such compensation from the insurance company can expect the owner of a used car, the victim of the accident. According to the adopted by the State Duma and the Federation Council of amendments to the law on insurance, the insurers are entitled to take into account when calculating the amount payable wear affected components. This wear, however, can not exceed 80 percent of the cost of new parts.

"Insurers in the past have tried to thus reduce the size of payments for insurance, but after the decision of the Arbitration Court, who stood on the side of the car owners to do this was not easy," - recalls vice-president of the Movement of Russian Motorists Leonid Olshansky. The Russian Union of Insurers, in turn, believe that the law will not allow motorists to make a CTP as a scratch on the wing completely rusty "Lada" the owner asked him to pay for the purchase of new parts painting. "In 99.9 percent of cases before the courts agreed with the position of the insurance companies on accounting depreciation in the calculation of payments, except there were only isolated cases," - says spokesman Igor Vasiukov SAR.

Insurers Will Only Pay 20% Of  The Cost Of Spare Parts
Insurers Will Only Pay 20% Of  The Cost Of Spare Parts

The new procedure for calculating damages should now determine the government. Do it will not be easy. What if an accident shortly before the owner of the car has changed the worn out doors to new? All these arguments, as before, will be resolved in court, convinced Olshansky. According to statistics, PCA, in 2014 Russia had sold insurance policies by 85.8 billion rubles and paid to victims in the accident - only 45.9 billion. With the adoption of the law will reduce payments to insurers even more. 

For example, a new door to the popular Ford Focus is now worth 21 thousand 770 rubles and it is possible that the insurer would prefer to pay the owner of the car just 4 thousand 350 rubles. By the company's service with the amount even to approach uncomfortable - save perhaps that there are craftsmen in the nearby garage.
The Insurer And The Client Who Wins

The Insurer And The Client Who Wins

According to the All-Russian Insurance Association (ARIA), the share of payments in cases of fraud in 2014 amounted to about 20%. Try to figure out which is why the number of fraudulent appeals to insurers is growing, and consider whether the ordinary citizens themselves criminals?

Over the past ten years, insurers periodically reminisce about insurance fraud - trying to get insurance benefits by illegal means. Serious research scope of the problem was not, but the insurance company before the crisis assured that fraudsters gets 10-15% of all payments. It is about 30 billion rubles a year, if we take as a base compensation to individuals. And in 2014, it is estimated the All-Russian Insurance Association (ARIA), the share of payments in cases of fraud rose to 20%.

What does it mean and how the insurers, these figures are real? According to the BCC, of ​​all fraud cases only 5-7% is like a criminal "of the bases" - specially organized accidents. Such crimes are today quite easily expanded - insurers are sharing information about the participants of suspicious incidents and to quickly calculate the intruders. And what about the other 95%? This, according to insurers, domestic crooks. In fact - the ordinary Russian citizens, insured car or an apartment, and no accidents or arson are not satisfied with.

Imagine a typical situation: two cars collided, the drivers who have comprehensive insurance policies. You can wait for the traffic police, creating a traffic jam on the road during rush hour, and can be left for home the next day to issue an accident in the yard, pretending that the car damaged in the parking lot. Ask for car owners: so did almost every second. From the perspective of the insurer, it is a scam. And from the point of view of the motorist - all to be honest. The car is damaged in an accident, then the insurer must pay, but how it is executed - minor matters.

Another example. Banks are often forced to mortgage borrowers to insure the life and health. Eight people out of a hundred, are recognized as the security of insurance companies, with the questionnaire "forget" to indicate their chronic diseases. Serious illness can increase the cost of the policy is 20% - but why not save on imposed because apparently meaningless service?

Or here's another case that happened recently with my friends. Behind the wheel was the wife, and her name was not written in the policy. To get paid, they had to present the matter as if the wheel was the head of the family. And about different kinds of agreements with appraisers, which can increase the amount of payments, says almost every car owner, who was in an accident. No precise estimates, but security officials privately claim that at least 7 out of 10 drivers in such situations, go to the hoax.

The Insurer And The Client Who Wins
The Insurer And The Client Who Wins

Clients have something to say in his defense. Many companies in the early 2000s tried to understate the amount of damage, lousy service offered, pulling in payments for several months, if not disappeared from their offices. Until now, there are all sorts of insurance rules pitfalls, allowing no compensation for the damage. The procedure for registration of losses is still long and difficult. Have left their mark and the introduction of the 2013 insurance policies. Insurers could not cope with the settlement procedure and the cost of policies was well above expectations. And who in this case is a crook?

Therefore, customers do not hesitate called rogue insurers and consider: get the insurance company to pay - a holy cause, and any means are good here. And attempts to expose the cheating customers of companies perceived as yet another scam.
In order to somehow reduce the number of cheaters, insurers could go towards customers. To facilitate the procedure of registration of damage, remove the rule, some exceptions. Steps in this direction, of course, being made. For example, insurance for small accidents without injury since March 2014. You can claim without reference traffic police. However, in this case, the payment may not exceed 25000 rubles. This innovation, which car owners have received in exchange for an average 10 percent increase in tariffs on insurance, could significantly reduce the number of traffic jams on the roads, but actually does not work - the maximum amount of compensation for accidents, decorated without the participation of the traffic police, is too small.

The liberalization of the order of execution is not too fast - insurers it is absolutely not necessary. Cases of "consumer fraud" incorporated in the tariffs, pre-paid customers the opportunity to deceive the insurer. And he opened the deception, in no hurry to start criminal proceedings, preferring simply to convince the client to give up the money. And this kind of a social contract in which each of the parties to deceive others, in general, work. That's only operating costs and expenses for intermediaries are too high.
Law Stood On The Side Of Insurers

Law Stood On The Side Of Insurers

This year, the legislative and judicial authorities have finally put an end to disputes that are intended to compensate the insurers for insurance: the cost of repairing the vehicle , "innocent victim" in an accident, or the residual value of the damaged parts with regard to their wear and tear?

Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation explained (to dull judges and motorists requiring insurance companies full reparation for harm) that the size of the victim's recovery costs should be determined on the basis of the cost of bringing the damaged car in the operation, given the wear. 

Actually, all the controversy arose around this latest addition of wear. Earlier this interpretation formally contrary to the law of insurance and the Civil Code. But the law is corrected, and the conflict with the Civil Code has eliminated its explanation of the Presidium: now the account of wear and tear should be considered a "special rule in relation to the general rules of the Civil Code for damages." All legal and logical. Case closed.

But the trouble: the logic is different. Insurers have one - on what grounds the owner battered car in an accident victim must at their own expense to update the old parts? No, let pays out of pocket! Car owners have another line of thought - I was not going to change anything in your car, I really liked the shabby, with traces of rust, rear wing, which had entered into. So why do I suddenly have to shell out when responsibility "who has entered" was insured? No, let the insurer will pay for all, or - if you will - to put the wing with the same share of wear and tear ...

Both approaches have their place. The question is on whose side the law and authority. Recently, they took the side of the insurance business. However, and for the benefit of motorists it made several clarifications. For example, given that the wear may not exceed 80% (and thanks for that, though 20% of the parts may be claimed from the insurer). It was also noted that the insurer shall indemnify the replacement elements completely eliminates damage. That is, if the proverbial wing was attached in any kind of one-off rivets or bracket, you need to replace them as well. Also, do not wear should be considered components and assemblies, a fault which prohibits the operation of the vehicle. The exact list of them yet, but here is theoretically possible to carry quite a wide range of parts from the braking and steering systems to the lighting equipment .

All points above the i, seemingly apart, but disputes over insurance continues. The fact that there is still no single methodology for calculating the wear and tear of vehicles - it must be developed by the government. It thinks about it, but so far has not responded to all the questions. And that has already established, it is quite contentious. For example, one of the main factors influencing the timing of depreciation, it is proposed to consider the country of origin of the car. The most durable recognized as "Japanese", followed by "Europeans." And all the cars produced in Russia - including the "Ford" and "Toyota" - set to last place.Where is the justice, not to mention patriotism?

However, concern about the national insurance business - is also patriotism. And I must say it, we have achieved good results. The paradox, but in times of crisis insurance was the main "growth point" of the insurance market. According to statistics market insurance grew in the first quarter of 2015 by 13.5% compared to the same period last year (18,8 billion). This was the highest rate of growth in almost two years.

Law Stood On The Side Of Insurers
Law Stood On The Side Of Insurers

What had caused this growth? Motor Insurers surveyed recently RIA "Novosti", give different answers. Some argue that it resumed growth in sales of new cars, of course, be insured. But if it was only this, it would grow and the market hull. He sank, as well as other types of property insurance. So, it is not in sales. Obviously, a more detailed answer is given by representatives of "Ingosstrakh" and "Rosgosstrakh": they believe that the real reason for the growth of insurance market was the new multiplying factors to tariffs, which were introduced in March last year. 

It was then raised territorial surcharges, interest on age and length of service, as well as allowance for the conclusion of the contract, without limiting the number of persons admitted to management. Accordingly, these developments have led to a gradual increase in fees the insurers, which was reflected in the statistics by the middle of the year. Indeed, if in the first quarter of 2014 insurance market fell by 3.1% already in the first half rose by 1.7% in the first three quarters - by 5.4% and for the year - 6, 6%. The first quarter of this year was the peak, since it is compared with the last period before raising rates.

Needless to say, the markets are "mandatory services" stimulate not hard enough to oblige citizens to pay more. However, in the future - and it is recognized by insurers - the growth of insurance premiums has slowed down in 2015, it amounted to 5% - 7%. This means that the effect of last year's increase in tariffs is completed, and the Russian insurance market may lose the main point of growth. Now all hope that will start a real recovery: without it, the main types of property insurance will not grow. However, it is possible that the government experiments with the procedure for calculating depreciation of cars again stimulate growth in the sector of car insurance - car owners will be less rely on compensation for insurance and will actively enter into contracts Hull.
Wednesday, 20 May 2015
Price CTP Could Increase By 68%

Price CTP Could Increase By 68%

Rates for insurance may rise by more than half. By pushing growth in the number of insurance claims, increased cost of spare parts and repairs, as well as the fact that the cost of insurance policy has not changed in seven years.

"The loss ratio for the insurance with the mutual insurance companies exceeds 70% and approaches the critical level," - said on August 31 President of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers' (SAR) Pavel Bunin at the conference "MTPL and CASCO: the situation is close to critical", held in the RIA " News. "

First, to raise tariffs:

The struggle for survival of the insurance market traditionally begins with the tariff increase. "To ensure the stability of the system is necessary to increase the insurance rates for 35-45%", - said Bunin. In addition, due to the entry into force on September 1, the new rules establish the cost of materials and spare parts for the repair of cars, requires a further increase of 23%. Total rise in price of insurance policy can make 58-68%.
One reason for the increase was the cost of the bill the Ministry of Finance about the growth of insurance payments. Now the document is seen in the government, and in the autumn must go to the State Duma. According to him, the sum insured for the life and health is expected to grow from 160 thousand. Rubles to 500 thousand. Rubles for each victim. Payments for property must grow from 120 thousand. 200 thousand. Rubles

It is not excluded and a further increase in insurance premiums for the life and health of up to two million rubles, as it has already been introduced in air transport. In this case, the cost of insurance policy will grow several times.

Then we think about the guarantees:

To ensure that the insurance company is working in good faith, and not just in high tariffs, Bunin promises not to weaken attention to the complaints of car owners. According to him, already noted that two months after the insurance company's problems, there is a sharp increase in the number of complaints on the company website at PCA. In such cases, "the results of inspection shall be appointed by substantial financial penalties, which the company pays into the fund SAR", assures Bunin. This fund is used for compensation of insurance in case of bankruptcy of the insurance company.

"Insurers need to organize and unify their activities", - said the head of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers Andrei Kigim. According to him, in addition to a unified scheme of contributions in the event of withdrawal from the market, it is necessary to develop and a single form of insurance contracts. As an example Kigim drew an analogy with the banking system, where the plastic card of any bank can withdraw money from an ATM in most countries of the world.

Motorists put conditions:

Drinking as a significant increase in tariffs motorists ambiguous. Reluctance to pay sky-high amount of balance the need stable insurance market. A wave of bankruptcies can not but cause concern despite the compensation guaranteed by the amendments to the law on bankruptcy.

Price CTP Could Increase By 68%
Price CTP Could Increase By 68%

"We need a compromise between the insurance and automotive community" - said GZT.RU leader of motorists "Freedom of Choice" Vyacheslav Lysakov. Increasing the value of the policy, in his view, it should be subject to three factors: we are talking about increasing the amount of insurance payments, improving the quality of service, as well as to reduce the timing of payments (a few days, a week maximum). Well, then, how much corresponds to almost 70% increase in the needs of insurance companies, to be assessed to the Ministry of Finance and the Federal Service for Insurance Supervision.

In life it is not enough:

Lisakov said that currently 77% of the cost of the policy is for insurance payments. Another 20% is in the insurance company to ensure its existence. The remaining 3% are deducted to the reserve fund RSA intended to pay for the debts of bankrupt companies. "I believe that 3% is not enough to preserve the stability of reserve funds - said Vyacheslav Lysakov.- These contributions must grow."

This view is confirmed by the statistics of SAR. As reported in a press conference Pavel Bunin, compensatory payments for the year 2009 turned out to be three times more than all payments for previous years. And the outlook for 2010 and exceeds this amount.

Reducing accidents better growth rates:

Strengthening the financial base of insurers may indeed have a positive impact on the insurance market as a whole. However, "to improve the efficiency of the insurance market more appropriately by other measures," - said the expert evaluation department "2K Audit- Business Consulting» / Morison International Peter Klyuyev. For comparison, the cost of insurance in some European countries than in Russia, but also compensation for the policy considerably more, whereas in Russia the insurance does not always cover the damage. This compulsory car insurance abroad is not considered a burden on insurers.

"To fight is necessary to accidents on Russian roads: less emergency smaller payments - sure ekspert.- higher level of competition in the insurance market- better service. Fight with emergency need, above all, increasing the quality of the roads and improving the culture of driving without the participation of the state is hardly possible. "
In Russia To Impose Mandatory Insurance Of Patients From Medical Errors

In Russia To Impose Mandatory Insurance Of Patients From Medical Errors

Russian doctors will be obliged to insure the responsibility to each patient by the insurance company. Compensation for deceased patients was 2 million rubles.

Compulsory liability insurance for healthcare organizations intends to introduce in 2013 the Health Ministry. This means that if as a result of treatment the patient is injured, he will receive insurance from 500 thousand to 1.5 million rubles, and 2 million will have his family in case of death. This was told by 2 September 2010 at a press conference Deputy Minister of Health and Social Development Yuri Voronin.

However, not all so simple. The money will be paid only in two cases.

If a person has died as a result of treatment (2 million), and if he became disabled. Insurance in the first group will be 1.5 million rubles, while the second - one million, while the third - 500 thousand. At the same time prove the guilt of a particular physician is not required. Especially since the source of the problem could be any health worker. For example, laboratory test results correctly written on the basis of which the doctor prescribed harmful treatment. Or a cleaner accidentally pushed a dropper, and the person is not getting the medication in time, became disabled. "No matter who made the mistake: doctor, nurse, technician, if as a result of contact with the medical establishment a person has suffered damage, he should be compensated through the insurance of liability of the institution," - said Yuri Voronin.

Thus, according to the officials, to receive a refund will be easier: just do not need to look for "extreme" and prove the guilt of a particular doctor, you can avoid "corporate solidarity", which usually prevents establish the causes of damage to the patient's health. And get to the truth will be easier. A person just need to apply to a specially created committee in each region. It will be composed on a parity basis by representatives of medical and social examination of state supervision in the field of public health, municipal and regional authorities, representatives of public organizations to protect the rights of patients and health care workers union. If necessary, they will invite experts from other areas, to appoint an independent examination by the insurer and, if found violations, prescribe pay back the money. All - in strictly specified time. 30 days - to the statement, another 15 - the examination and 15 - on the implementation of payments.

However, he missed one point: Before contacting the Commission, it is necessary to obtain a disability, and it is at times, as you know, takes years. So it is not yet clear whether the new system will simplify the mechanism for obtaining compensation or only complicate it.

The deputy minister noted that from the patient will not need to pay money and to issue an insurance contract. Doing this is a medical organization at their own expense. It concerns everyone without exception of medical institutions: state, municipal, departmental, private.

It is expected that medical institutions will pay annually to insurers for two percent of the volume of services provided. "This is the base rate," - said Voronin, explaining that it will vary depending on the qualifications of health care workers, and other forms of assistance characteristics. For providing false information about their health care systems will be fined.

The volume of insurance premiums to cover the risks of the market "health insurance" - 26.7 billion rubles, said Vladimir Voronin. However, allow this market is not all insurers. Requirements are as follows: the share capital of not less than two billion rubles, the share of foreign capital - not more than 25 per cent representation in all federal districts and not less than 75 per cent of the regions of experience in the health insurance market for at least 5 years, the availability of licenses for liability insurance and medical insurance.

Plus, the organization must necessarily consist in the professional community of insurers and make contributions to the guarantee fund community at least 50 million rubles.

In Russia To Impose Mandatory Insurance Of Patients From Medical Errors
In Russia To Impose Mandatory Insurance Of Patients From Medical Errors

"The presence or absence of foreign investment in the authorized capital for us unprincipled, we introduced the item on the recommendation of the professional community of insurers. And if other experts have convinced us that the item once we remove it," - said Yuri Voronin.

By the way, according to experts, to date, these requirements correspond to the units of the company. So the market is likely to be divided between several major players.

By the way, the insurer will be entitled to "shake off" by the amount of insurance paid to the doctor or medical institution, when such a criminal act of a doctor or medical services he rendered in a state  and if the health facility would prevent harm to the patient.

Insurance companies involved in the medical insurance will be accredited by the Health Ministry.
Now the bill "On compulsory insurance of civil liability of medical organizations to patients' posted on the ministry's website and is ready for public discussion.
Monday, 18 May 2015
Managing Finances - Govern Life

Managing Finances - Govern Life

Man comes to the eye doctor and says, "Doctor, I have a problem with the view!". "What's the matter?" - Asks the doctor. "I earn money, but I do not see them!" - Meets the patient!
This anecdote is familiar to many firsthand. He may even reflect the financial situation you are in today.

So what to do?

Learn how to manage finances!

For starters, let's look at the principles that will help you learn to "see" the money to control their financial flows and, consequently, control over their lives.

The first principle. Financial planning:

This is one of the most important and fundamental principles of financial management.

For any project needs a plan. For the organization of sound financial management requires personal financial strategy. It is tailored to the priorities and includes calculations for each stage of its implementation. This strategy is embodied in a personal financial plan (LFP).

LFP links existing needs of the person with his existing financial opportunities and helps to orient towards the goal.

AMI Consultants "Rich!" Are ready to make for you a personal financial plan according to your wishes.

The second principle. Money Control:

Have you ever tried to keep a personal or family budget? How easy or hard is it to do - you can argue and argue. The fact remains - people who have achieved financial freedom and consider themselves rich, necessarily lead it.

Budget - is a tool that demonstrates how much money you spend and on what. Knowing this, you can adjust their actions: to optimize spending and redistribute the money to build up reserves, invest, etc.

The third principle. Creating capital:

Creation of capital implies the preservation of the cash flows in the form of income. It gives a sense of equity financial freedom and security. But how to create what may be in your life have never been? Is it difficult to start from scratch?

Managing Finances - Govern Life
Managing Finances - Govern Life

No, if we use the principle of "pay yourself first." It is usually postponed for 10-20% of each income immediately after receiving it. For example, you got paid - set aside 10% in a piggy bank. Will give you 2,000 rubles a birthday - aside 200. So, little by little, you can lay the foundation for their future capital.

But remember! These funds can not be used for routine needs and spending! This is your emergency fund. It will provide you with financial security in case of emergency. And this is where we recommend to take the money to invest.

The principle of the fourth. Regular investment:

You all probably heard the phrase "Money should work for you," and it's true! When cash is idle, it depreciates due to inflation. Therefore, once you have accumulated a certain amount, you need to find an effective way to preserve and enhance it - the right tool for investment.

Investments - a multi-faceted process. In a broad sense - it savings in various types of assets that have a tendency to increase its value over time. In a narrower sense - investments to help create capital to keep it and increase!

The principle of the fifth. Risk insurance:

When choosing an investment company and the strategies necessary to remember the main rule of the market: the higher the income, which is expected by the client, the greater the risks. Be sensible and vigilant, choose a reliable company.

We AMI "Rich!", We recommend only the most proven investment companies. One of them - the financial company "Invest ALS." The company is engaged in the organization, deployment and management of capital. Guarantees and reliability of the company provide investors with a good return and safety of invested funds.
In this article, we reviewed the 5 principles of financial management:

Financial planning,
Cash controls
Creating capital
Regular investing,
Risk insurance.

Systemic application of these principles will allow you to achieve high performance, secure the desired level of income and gain financial freedom.
Do I Have To Pay For Your Child Good Study

Do I Have To Pay For Your Child Good Study

In times of my Soviet childhood, neither I nor my companions for a good study parents did not pay the money. This option was not even considered. Get knowledge considered our duty. Several years passed and I worked at that time in high school, began to notice more and more kids are literally extort evaluation. At the meetings, many parents shrug: "Well, I do not know how yet magically motivate your child to learn! So we have to pay extra for it a good score. " And then, as a rule, it passed an excuse: "At the same time learn how to earn money."

The question of whether to pay a child for good grades is discussed for decades, not only in our country. For example, the American experience of payment other than study recognized almost at the state level. A few years ago in New York schools, implement programs of material encouraging students. Students proposed to perform tests for the results that children receive from 5 to 50 dollars depending on the quality of the responses. This practice financial incentives included in a wider program to combat poverty, which initiated the mayor of New York. The mayor of Washington has expanded the program and offered to encourage school students in Washington for good behavior, good grades and homework diligently.

However, most Russian psychologists agree that payments for child assessment more minuses than pluses. I, too, is more inclined to think that it is unreasonable approach to the subject is able to cause harm and form is not entirely healthy attitude to money in a growing person.

Many parents believe that the payment of a perfect score - a great motivation for excellence. But such a strategy is undoubtedly the weak side - the child may develop an incorrect perception of adulthood and how do I pay labor.

Do I Have To Pay For Your Child Good Study
Do I Have To Pay For Your Child Good Study

Let's look at the possible scenarios that can interfere with a child in the future to build a career and successfully manage their personal finances.

  1. The child may decide that the result - this is important, and it does not matter what means he has been made. And he will seek by all means to get good grades, including trying to cheat, to write off, etc. It threatens that will develop a personality that will go over the heads, and despite the means and ways to get the desired result.
  2. The child, due to psychological immaturity, may well come to the conclusion that, in any case, good results are awarded money. And, imagine how frustrating it can comprehend it in adulthood, when at work for the excellent results he will not get bonuses. In contrast, the increase may get one who is closer to the boss. Such contradictions are common in adult life, because life is not always fair.
  3. Further aggravate the situation, if you will give your child money for any evaluation, but for a higher score will be giving more money promoting. In that case, your child quickly that the money he will get in anyway and try to stop completely. You also have, in any case will have to provide it. And why should he try if he still gets the money for candy or a game?
  4. Receive payment for assessment, your child will begin to think that the efforts are worth the money. Of course, it is in the adult world. But try this case it is necessary only when the work is guaranteed a cash consideration. But often for other people, we are doing something for free as assistance and support. A study - there is investment in the future of the child. And also study in itself can be an interesting process. In this case, you need a personal example of parents to show that the resulting knowledge is the fruit of the efforts of the former parents. The knowledge they have been applied in practice and led to a decent wage.

Ultimately, every parent has the right to choose itself, on what basis to educate your child. But it is difficult not to agree that if parents behave appropriately in life and serious about the financial side of it, this is a direct example of the best, even more important than any moralizing and educational talks.
Sunday, 17 May 2015
How To Teach Your Child Not Tto Borrow Money?

How To Teach Your Child Not Tto Borrow Money?

About how, when, and how much to give your child to start spending money, you and I have discussed in earlier articles. Today I propose to talk to another vital topic - how to show a child benefit from the ability to save money for what you want, but do not take them in debt.

Imagine the situation: a 10-year-old boy Vanya parents give $500 every week as pocket money. Vanya has long dreamed of a game console, which costs $ 1300. The reserve fund * Wani have $320. Vanya's parents decided to lend him the necessary amount, but in the future expense allowance. That is to borrow money, not to buy him this thing. Educational effect of this decision is that the child for a while deprived of pocket money. During this period, he must feel himself to the rule: "You take other people's money at the time you give your and forever." More more effect will be achieved if the child has committed an unnecessary purchase spontaneously.

But in this scheme, there is one very important point, which should take into account the parents: do not borrow a child more than the amount of his two-week pocket the proceeds. Otherwise, you run the risk of spoiling relations with the child, because he was used to regularly receive money from you, and now proceeds to temporarily stop.

How To Teach Your Child Not Tto Borrow Money
How To Teach Your Child Not Tto Borrow Money?
I do suggest to specify in advance a list of the child that you as a parent will pay him ourselves and of what your budget is not calculated. For example, you as a parent ASSUME spending on clothing, shoes, school supplies, school meals, etc. Payment terms that are not included in the list are discussed individually.

It is clear that in fact that is not included in the list of most frequently will also indirectly be paid out of your wallet. You are giving your child pocket money. But such a simple way the baby will be formed financial skills, which are then able to significantly ease his adult life.

And finally. Often, grandparents, too, can give the child a certain amount. In order to "party politics" was unified, and the formation of a child's financial skills passed smoothly, we recommend advance to discuss the issue with representatives of the older generation of your family. Find out delicately, how much money they plan to give to your child, and how often, because sometimes an additional source of income and can serve as gifts received in banknotes birthday.
Insurance Will Rise By 50%

Insurance Will Rise By 50%

Rates for insurance may rise by 50%. Increasing the value of the policy is associated with a threefold increase in limits payments for damage to life and health and property.

The Ministry of Finance sent the government a new version of the bill on insurance, reported yesterday Vera Balakirev. According to the new version of the project, the limit payments to victims in the accident for damage to health will be 500 thousand. Rub. instead of the current 160 thousand. Limit of payments on property damage of 400 ths. rub. (Now - 120 thousand. Rub.).

As described by Ms. Balakirev, in the case of adoption of the law on compulsory motor TPL insurance rates could rise by 50%, reports Prime-TASS (now the base rate is 1,980 rubles.), While at the same time, she also said that the Ministry of Finance is ready to consider raising the tariff by 20 -30%. Terms adoption of the law is not yet known, said yesterday Ms. Balakirev. In February, the head of Rostekhnadzor Alexander Koval said that the tariffs for compulsory motor insurance is necessary to increase this year.

Increasing the limits will be a half-step, the head of Center for Strategic Studies "Rosgosstrakh" Alex Barb. According to him, the insurance companies may face increasing loss, despite the increase in rates for insurance policies. "The increase in losses can be associated with the new order of payments on health. If before the insurers pay the costs of the victims, in the future it will be necessary to carry out the payment upon receipt of damage, "- says Mr. Jag.

Insurance Will Rise By 50%
Insurance Will Rise By 50%

Deputy General Director of "AlfaStrakhovanie" Alexander Gorin agree that the loss ratio in the insurance market can grow. "If there is a major accident, and the culprit is detrimental to ten machines currently limit payments on the property - 120 ths. Rub. for everyone. This level will rise to 400 thousand. Rub. for each victim, "- said Mr. Gorin. He also believes that the difficulties may arise with the new order of compensation for damage to health. "In England, the payment is also carried out on the fact of injury. There are cases of fraud when the alleged victims bring a fake certificate of damage, "- said Alexander Gorin.
Saturday, 4 April 2015
 How To Create An Insurance Company And Get Rich Quick?

How To Create An Insurance Company And Get Rich Quick?

Day today suggests that stand on a par with major employers and proudly call myself a businessman just incredibly difficult. All areas of profitable operations have long been captured. Need to invest is not small money, get insanely huge number of different kinds of certificates, to issue mandatory for the selected type of activity documentation. In the next step: the selection of professional staff, search and registration office space. And even if all this and be able to properly do, it remains perhaps the most important point to develop your business can not everyone.

Today is guaranteed to have a successful business is extremely difficult, the slightest omission or neglect of some trifles and the risk of losing nearly that well-functioning business grows exponentially. Is it possible to find the optimal solution for creating your own business on the criterion of "guaranteed reliability - lowest costs on - the maximum profit"? Current opinion: - This is fantastic! It just can not be, as there can be no such business - criterion.

Do not forget we live in Stunning World, the smart, enterprising and highly talented people and the fact that for many seems fantastic, we often - everyday reality.

So this time, it offers even more simple, however, advanced, cost-effective and highly relevant idea of ​​creating your own full and profitable business to create its own as an "insurance company".

Well, that's somehow become attached to the soul Sergey large and small outlets gastronomic orientation. And one day, replenishing goods in one of its profitable stores of five baskets, he became a witness impartial communication between the buyer and the furious the store owner. Buyer required to return the money for a loaf of sausage, which he brought from home after shopping in this store. From his point of view, the product was defective. From an administrator's perspective - everything was in order.

When the dust settled, Sergei talked with sellers, and then the administrator and found that for certain types of food such cases is quite commonplace and occur with surprising regularity. Any store has a fund to cover the cost of paper spoilage, but "sometimes" these products in the shopping cart yet fall. So was born his idea to create their own insurance company "Apple".

 How To Create An Insurance Company And Get Rich Quick?
 How To Create An Insurance Company And Get Rich Quick?

The essence of the idea is very simple, more importantly, do not be greedy! He agreed with a number of food stalls, and then a large grocery stores that all risks in cases of low-quality products customers return to his insurance company incurs. For this shopkeeper contract with them, places in the store advertising products his insurance company, and cashiers to everyone insure their purchase offer plastic cards with the logo of the company, physical address and phone number. But a prerequisite for such insurance is premium products purchased by exactly 1 ruble. Who would think - nothing, but it is not so. Average store serves between 1,000 and 3,000 thousand customers a day, let half of them, and - this is the case, take advantage of this service insurance, because the ruble is not a pity, daily profit from one of the store will average 2,000 rubles, or about 60,000 rubles a month. For example, in the supermarket, which is now visible in the window of our office, a day is up to 10-15 thousand people will agree - this is a big business.

Insurance business enjoyed a "frenzied" popular - is one of the modern services, which is already on the first day of the opening ensures you stream of regular customers. Transfers to your account, with a minimum of your effort will come every day.

If you are interested in opening a personal insurance business, be sure to check with a free video course from Sergei Semenov:


Sergei popular in detail and objectively describe a phased plan of action for your discovery of the insurance business. The license for this activity, instructions, examples of contracts with the administration of stores, plans and materials advertising companies are also presented free of charge. In fact, you will get their hands on almost finished turnkey business system, and with her financial independence and stability.

Be of good cheer, prosperity, luck and success!

PS Again, what's the catch, and where is the self-interest? What kind of altruism is giving away right and left is not just an idea, but just did ready-made business? Have you tried yourself to issue, for example, the license for any type of activity? Immediately say: - Sorry, hemorrhoids still that. But Sergei and her, and virtually all other documents simultaneously, and presents you with a gift. That is, your insurance company initially will be like a branch, and you business - partner.
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