The Insurer And The Client Who Wins
According to the All-Russian Insurance Association (ARIA), the share of payments in cases of fraud in 2014 amounted to about 20%. Try to figure out which is why the number of fraudulent appeals to insurers is growing, and consider whether the ordinary citizens themselves criminals?
Over the past ten years, insurers periodically reminisce about insurance fraud - trying to get insurance benefits by illegal means. Serious research scope of the problem was not, but the insurance company before the crisis assured that fraudsters gets 10-15% of all payments. It is about 30 billion rubles a year, if we take as a base compensation to individuals. And in 2014, it is estimated the All-Russian Insurance Association (ARIA), the share of payments in cases of fraud rose to 20%.
What does it mean and how the insurers, these figures are real? According to the BCC, of all fraud cases only 5-7% is like a criminal "of the bases" - specially organized accidents. Such crimes are today quite easily expanded - insurers are sharing information about the participants of suspicious incidents and to quickly calculate the intruders. And what about the other 95%? This, according to insurers, domestic crooks. In fact - the ordinary Russian citizens, insured car or an apartment, and no accidents or arson are not satisfied with.
Imagine a typical situation: two cars collided, the drivers who have comprehensive insurance policies. You can wait for the traffic police, creating a traffic jam on the road during rush hour, and can be left for home the next day to issue an accident in the yard, pretending that the car damaged in the parking lot. Ask for car owners: so did almost every second. From the perspective of the insurer, it is a scam. And from the point of view of the motorist - all to be honest. The car is damaged in an accident, then the insurer must pay, but how it is executed - minor matters.
Another example. Banks are often forced to mortgage borrowers to insure the life and health. Eight people out of a hundred, are recognized as the security of insurance companies, with the questionnaire "forget" to indicate their chronic diseases. Serious illness can increase the cost of the policy is 20% - but why not save on imposed because apparently meaningless service?
Or here's another case that happened recently with my friends. Behind the wheel was the wife, and her name was not written in the policy. To get paid, they had to present the matter as if the wheel was the head of the family. And about different kinds of agreements with appraisers, which can increase the amount of payments, says almost every car owner, who was in an accident. No precise estimates, but security officials privately claim that at least 7 out of 10 drivers in such situations, go to the hoax.
The Insurer And The Client Who Wins |
Clients have something to say in his defense. Many companies in the early 2000s tried to understate the amount of damage, lousy service offered, pulling in payments for several months, if not disappeared from their offices. Until now, there are all sorts of insurance rules pitfalls, allowing no compensation for the damage. The procedure for registration of losses is still long and difficult. Have left their mark and the introduction of the 2013 insurance policies. Insurers could not cope with the settlement procedure and the cost of policies was well above expectations. And who in this case is a crook?
Therefore, customers do not hesitate called rogue insurers and consider: get the insurance company to pay - a holy cause, and any means are good here. And attempts to expose the cheating customers of companies perceived as yet another scam.
In order to somehow reduce the number of cheaters, insurers could go towards customers. To facilitate the procedure of registration of damage, remove the rule, some exceptions. Steps in this direction, of course, being made. For example, insurance for small accidents without injury since March 2014. You can claim without reference traffic police. However, in this case, the payment may not exceed 25000 rubles. This innovation, which car owners have received in exchange for an average 10 percent increase in tariffs on insurance, could significantly reduce the number of traffic jams on the roads, but actually does not work - the maximum amount of compensation for accidents, decorated without the participation of the traffic police, is too small.
The liberalization of the order of execution is not too fast - insurers it is absolutely not necessary. Cases of "consumer fraud" incorporated in the tariffs, pre-paid customers the opportunity to deceive the insurer. And he opened the deception, in no hurry to start criminal proceedings, preferring simply to convince the client to give up the money. And this kind of a social contract in which each of the parties to deceive others, in general, work. That's only operating costs and expenses for intermediaries are too high.
This article is incomprehensible.