In Russia To Impose Mandatory Insurance Of Patients From Medical Errors
Russian doctors will be obliged to insure the responsibility to each patient by the insurance company. Compensation for deceased patients was 2 million rubles.
Compulsory liability insurance for healthcare organizations intends to introduce in 2013 the Health Ministry. This means that if as a result of treatment the patient is injured, he will receive insurance from 500 thousand to 1.5 million rubles, and 2 million will have his family in case of death. This was told by 2 September 2010 at a press conference Deputy Minister of Health and Social Development Yuri Voronin.
However, not all so simple. The money will be paid only in two cases.
If a person has died as a result of treatment (2 million), and if he became disabled. Insurance in the first group will be 1.5 million rubles, while the second - one million, while the third - 500 thousand. At the same time prove the guilt of a particular physician is not required. Especially since the source of the problem could be any health worker. For example, laboratory test results correctly written on the basis of which the doctor prescribed harmful treatment. Or a cleaner accidentally pushed a dropper, and the person is not getting the medication in time, became disabled. "No matter who made the mistake: doctor, nurse, technician, if as a result of contact with the medical establishment a person has suffered damage, he should be compensated through the insurance of liability of the institution," - said Yuri Voronin.
Thus, according to the officials, to receive a refund will be easier: just do not need to look for "extreme" and prove the guilt of a particular doctor, you can avoid "corporate solidarity", which usually prevents establish the causes of damage to the patient's health. And get to the truth will be easier. A person just need to apply to a specially created committee in each region. It will be composed on a parity basis by representatives of medical and social examination of state supervision in the field of public health, municipal and regional authorities, representatives of public organizations to protect the rights of patients and health care workers union. If necessary, they will invite experts from other areas, to appoint an independent examination by the insurer and, if found violations, prescribe pay back the money. All - in strictly specified time. 30 days - to the statement, another 15 - the examination and 15 - on the implementation of payments.
However, he missed one point: Before contacting the Commission, it is necessary to obtain a disability, and it is at times, as you know, takes years. So it is not yet clear whether the new system will simplify the mechanism for obtaining compensation or only complicate it.
The deputy minister noted that from the patient will not need to pay money and to issue an insurance contract. Doing this is a medical organization at their own expense. It concerns everyone without exception of medical institutions: state, municipal, departmental, private.
It is expected that medical institutions will pay annually to insurers for two percent of the volume of services provided. "This is the base rate," - said Voronin, explaining that it will vary depending on the qualifications of health care workers, and other forms of assistance characteristics. For providing false information about their health care systems will be fined.
The volume of insurance premiums to cover the risks of the market "health insurance" - 26.7 billion rubles, said Vladimir Voronin. However, allow this market is not all insurers. Requirements are as follows: the share capital of not less than two billion rubles, the share of foreign capital - not more than 25 per cent representation in all federal districts and not less than 75 per cent of the regions of experience in the health insurance market for at least 5 years, the availability of licenses for liability insurance and medical insurance.
Plus, the organization must necessarily consist in the professional community of insurers and make contributions to the guarantee fund community at least 50 million rubles.
"The presence or absence of foreign investment in the authorized capital for us unprincipled, we introduced the item on the recommendation of the professional community of insurers. And if other experts have convinced us that the item once we remove it," - said Yuri Voronin.
By the way, according to experts, to date, these requirements correspond to the units of the company. So the market is likely to be divided between several major players.
By the way, the insurer will be entitled to "shake off" by the amount of insurance paid to the doctor or medical institution, when such a criminal act of a doctor or medical services he rendered in a state and if the health facility would prevent harm to the patient.
Insurance companies involved in the medical insurance will be accredited by the Health Ministry.
Now the bill "On compulsory insurance of civil liability of medical organizations to patients' posted on the ministry's website and is ready for public discussion.
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