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Wednesday, 20 May 2015
Price CTP Could Increase By 68%

Price CTP Could Increase By 68%

Rates for insurance may rise by more than half. By pushing growth in the number of insurance claims, increased cost of spare parts and repairs, as well as the fact that the cost of insurance policy has not changed in seven years.

"The loss ratio for the insurance with the mutual insurance companies exceeds 70% and approaches the critical level," - said on August 31 President of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers' (SAR) Pavel Bunin at the conference "MTPL and CASCO: the situation is close to critical", held in the RIA " News. "

First, to raise tariffs:

The struggle for survival of the insurance market traditionally begins with the tariff increase. "To ensure the stability of the system is necessary to increase the insurance rates for 35-45%", - said Bunin. In addition, due to the entry into force on September 1, the new rules establish the cost of materials and spare parts for the repair of cars, requires a further increase of 23%. Total rise in price of insurance policy can make 58-68%.
One reason for the increase was the cost of the bill the Ministry of Finance about the growth of insurance payments. Now the document is seen in the government, and in the autumn must go to the State Duma. According to him, the sum insured for the life and health is expected to grow from 160 thousand. Rubles to 500 thousand. Rubles for each victim. Payments for property must grow from 120 thousand. 200 thousand. Rubles

It is not excluded and a further increase in insurance premiums for the life and health of up to two million rubles, as it has already been introduced in air transport. In this case, the cost of insurance policy will grow several times.

Then we think about the guarantees:

To ensure that the insurance company is working in good faith, and not just in high tariffs, Bunin promises not to weaken attention to the complaints of car owners. According to him, already noted that two months after the insurance company's problems, there is a sharp increase in the number of complaints on the company website at PCA. In such cases, "the results of inspection shall be appointed by substantial financial penalties, which the company pays into the fund SAR", assures Bunin. This fund is used for compensation of insurance in case of bankruptcy of the insurance company.

"Insurers need to organize and unify their activities", - said the head of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers Andrei Kigim. According to him, in addition to a unified scheme of contributions in the event of withdrawal from the market, it is necessary to develop and a single form of insurance contracts. As an example Kigim drew an analogy with the banking system, where the plastic card of any bank can withdraw money from an ATM in most countries of the world.

Motorists put conditions:

Drinking as a significant increase in tariffs motorists ambiguous. Reluctance to pay sky-high amount of balance the need stable insurance market. A wave of bankruptcies can not but cause concern despite the compensation guaranteed by the amendments to the law on bankruptcy.

Price CTP Could Increase By 68%
Price CTP Could Increase By 68%

"We need a compromise between the insurance and automotive community" - said GZT.RU leader of motorists "Freedom of Choice" Vyacheslav Lysakov. Increasing the value of the policy, in his view, it should be subject to three factors: we are talking about increasing the amount of insurance payments, improving the quality of service, as well as to reduce the timing of payments (a few days, a week maximum). Well, then, how much corresponds to almost 70% increase in the needs of insurance companies, to be assessed to the Ministry of Finance and the Federal Service for Insurance Supervision.

In life it is not enough:

Lisakov said that currently 77% of the cost of the policy is for insurance payments. Another 20% is in the insurance company to ensure its existence. The remaining 3% are deducted to the reserve fund RSA intended to pay for the debts of bankrupt companies. "I believe that 3% is not enough to preserve the stability of reserve funds - said Vyacheslav Lysakov.- These contributions must grow."

This view is confirmed by the statistics of SAR. As reported in a press conference Pavel Bunin, compensatory payments for the year 2009 turned out to be three times more than all payments for previous years. And the outlook for 2010 and exceeds this amount.

Reducing accidents better growth rates:

Strengthening the financial base of insurers may indeed have a positive impact on the insurance market as a whole. However, "to improve the efficiency of the insurance market more appropriately by other measures," - said the expert evaluation department "2K Audit- Business Consulting» / Morison International Peter Klyuyev. For comparison, the cost of insurance in some European countries than in Russia, but also compensation for the policy considerably more, whereas in Russia the insurance does not always cover the damage. This compulsory car insurance abroad is not considered a burden on insurers.

"To fight is necessary to accidents on Russian roads: less emergency smaller payments - sure ekspert.- higher level of competition in the insurance market- better service. Fight with emergency need, above all, increasing the quality of the roads and improving the culture of driving without the participation of the state is hardly possible. "
In Russia To Impose Mandatory Insurance Of Patients From Medical Errors

In Russia To Impose Mandatory Insurance Of Patients From Medical Errors

Russian doctors will be obliged to insure the responsibility to each patient by the insurance company. Compensation for deceased patients was 2 million rubles.

Compulsory liability insurance for healthcare organizations intends to introduce in 2013 the Health Ministry. This means that if as a result of treatment the patient is injured, he will receive insurance from 500 thousand to 1.5 million rubles, and 2 million will have his family in case of death. This was told by 2 September 2010 at a press conference Deputy Minister of Health and Social Development Yuri Voronin.

However, not all so simple. The money will be paid only in two cases.

If a person has died as a result of treatment (2 million), and if he became disabled. Insurance in the first group will be 1.5 million rubles, while the second - one million, while the third - 500 thousand. At the same time prove the guilt of a particular physician is not required. Especially since the source of the problem could be any health worker. For example, laboratory test results correctly written on the basis of which the doctor prescribed harmful treatment. Or a cleaner accidentally pushed a dropper, and the person is not getting the medication in time, became disabled. "No matter who made the mistake: doctor, nurse, technician, if as a result of contact with the medical establishment a person has suffered damage, he should be compensated through the insurance of liability of the institution," - said Yuri Voronin.

Thus, according to the officials, to receive a refund will be easier: just do not need to look for "extreme" and prove the guilt of a particular doctor, you can avoid "corporate solidarity", which usually prevents establish the causes of damage to the patient's health. And get to the truth will be easier. A person just need to apply to a specially created committee in each region. It will be composed on a parity basis by representatives of medical and social examination of state supervision in the field of public health, municipal and regional authorities, representatives of public organizations to protect the rights of patients and health care workers union. If necessary, they will invite experts from other areas, to appoint an independent examination by the insurer and, if found violations, prescribe pay back the money. All - in strictly specified time. 30 days - to the statement, another 15 - the examination and 15 - on the implementation of payments.

However, he missed one point: Before contacting the Commission, it is necessary to obtain a disability, and it is at times, as you know, takes years. So it is not yet clear whether the new system will simplify the mechanism for obtaining compensation or only complicate it.

The deputy minister noted that from the patient will not need to pay money and to issue an insurance contract. Doing this is a medical organization at their own expense. It concerns everyone without exception of medical institutions: state, municipal, departmental, private.

It is expected that medical institutions will pay annually to insurers for two percent of the volume of services provided. "This is the base rate," - said Voronin, explaining that it will vary depending on the qualifications of health care workers, and other forms of assistance characteristics. For providing false information about their health care systems will be fined.

The volume of insurance premiums to cover the risks of the market "health insurance" - 26.7 billion rubles, said Vladimir Voronin. However, allow this market is not all insurers. Requirements are as follows: the share capital of not less than two billion rubles, the share of foreign capital - not more than 25 per cent representation in all federal districts and not less than 75 per cent of the regions of experience in the health insurance market for at least 5 years, the availability of licenses for liability insurance and medical insurance.

Plus, the organization must necessarily consist in the professional community of insurers and make contributions to the guarantee fund community at least 50 million rubles.

In Russia To Impose Mandatory Insurance Of Patients From Medical Errors
In Russia To Impose Mandatory Insurance Of Patients From Medical Errors

"The presence or absence of foreign investment in the authorized capital for us unprincipled, we introduced the item on the recommendation of the professional community of insurers. And if other experts have convinced us that the item once we remove it," - said Yuri Voronin.

By the way, according to experts, to date, these requirements correspond to the units of the company. So the market is likely to be divided between several major players.

By the way, the insurer will be entitled to "shake off" by the amount of insurance paid to the doctor or medical institution, when such a criminal act of a doctor or medical services he rendered in a state  and if the health facility would prevent harm to the patient.

Insurance companies involved in the medical insurance will be accredited by the Health Ministry.
Now the bill "On compulsory insurance of civil liability of medical organizations to patients' posted on the ministry's website and is ready for public discussion.
Monday, 18 May 2015
Managing Finances - Govern Life

Managing Finances - Govern Life

Man comes to the eye doctor and says, "Doctor, I have a problem with the view!". "What's the matter?" - Asks the doctor. "I earn money, but I do not see them!" - Meets the patient!
This anecdote is familiar to many firsthand. He may even reflect the financial situation you are in today.

So what to do?

Learn how to manage finances!

For starters, let's look at the principles that will help you learn to "see" the money to control their financial flows and, consequently, control over their lives.

The first principle. Financial planning:

This is one of the most important and fundamental principles of financial management.

For any project needs a plan. For the organization of sound financial management requires personal financial strategy. It is tailored to the priorities and includes calculations for each stage of its implementation. This strategy is embodied in a personal financial plan (LFP).

LFP links existing needs of the person with his existing financial opportunities and helps to orient towards the goal.

AMI Consultants "Rich!" Are ready to make for you a personal financial plan according to your wishes.

The second principle. Money Control:

Have you ever tried to keep a personal or family budget? How easy or hard is it to do - you can argue and argue. The fact remains - people who have achieved financial freedom and consider themselves rich, necessarily lead it.

Budget - is a tool that demonstrates how much money you spend and on what. Knowing this, you can adjust their actions: to optimize spending and redistribute the money to build up reserves, invest, etc.

The third principle. Creating capital:

Creation of capital implies the preservation of the cash flows in the form of income. It gives a sense of equity financial freedom and security. But how to create what may be in your life have never been? Is it difficult to start from scratch?

Managing Finances - Govern Life
Managing Finances - Govern Life

No, if we use the principle of "pay yourself first." It is usually postponed for 10-20% of each income immediately after receiving it. For example, you got paid - set aside 10% in a piggy bank. Will give you 2,000 rubles a birthday - aside 200. So, little by little, you can lay the foundation for their future capital.

But remember! These funds can not be used for routine needs and spending! This is your emergency fund. It will provide you with financial security in case of emergency. And this is where we recommend to take the money to invest.

The principle of the fourth. Regular investment:

You all probably heard the phrase "Money should work for you," and it's true! When cash is idle, it depreciates due to inflation. Therefore, once you have accumulated a certain amount, you need to find an effective way to preserve and enhance it - the right tool for investment.

Investments - a multi-faceted process. In a broad sense - it savings in various types of assets that have a tendency to increase its value over time. In a narrower sense - investments to help create capital to keep it and increase!

The principle of the fifth. Risk insurance:

When choosing an investment company and the strategies necessary to remember the main rule of the market: the higher the income, which is expected by the client, the greater the risks. Be sensible and vigilant, choose a reliable company.

We AMI "Rich!", We recommend only the most proven investment companies. One of them - the financial company "Invest ALS." The company is engaged in the organization, deployment and management of capital. Guarantees and reliability of the company provide investors with a good return and safety of invested funds.
In this article, we reviewed the 5 principles of financial management:

Financial planning,
Cash controls
Creating capital
Regular investing,
Risk insurance.

Systemic application of these principles will allow you to achieve high performance, secure the desired level of income and gain financial freedom.
Do I Have To Pay For Your Child Good Study

Do I Have To Pay For Your Child Good Study

In times of my Soviet childhood, neither I nor my companions for a good study parents did not pay the money. This option was not even considered. Get knowledge considered our duty. Several years passed and I worked at that time in high school, began to notice more and more kids are literally extort evaluation. At the meetings, many parents shrug: "Well, I do not know how yet magically motivate your child to learn! So we have to pay extra for it a good score. " And then, as a rule, it passed an excuse: "At the same time learn how to earn money."

The question of whether to pay a child for good grades is discussed for decades, not only in our country. For example, the American experience of payment other than study recognized almost at the state level. A few years ago in New York schools, implement programs of material encouraging students. Students proposed to perform tests for the results that children receive from 5 to 50 dollars depending on the quality of the responses. This practice financial incentives included in a wider program to combat poverty, which initiated the mayor of New York. The mayor of Washington has expanded the program and offered to encourage school students in Washington for good behavior, good grades and homework diligently.

However, most Russian psychologists agree that payments for child assessment more minuses than pluses. I, too, is more inclined to think that it is unreasonable approach to the subject is able to cause harm and form is not entirely healthy attitude to money in a growing person.

Many parents believe that the payment of a perfect score - a great motivation for excellence. But such a strategy is undoubtedly the weak side - the child may develop an incorrect perception of adulthood and how do I pay labor.

Do I Have To Pay For Your Child Good Study
Do I Have To Pay For Your Child Good Study

Let's look at the possible scenarios that can interfere with a child in the future to build a career and successfully manage their personal finances.

  1. The child may decide that the result - this is important, and it does not matter what means he has been made. And he will seek by all means to get good grades, including trying to cheat, to write off, etc. It threatens that will develop a personality that will go over the heads, and despite the means and ways to get the desired result.
  2. The child, due to psychological immaturity, may well come to the conclusion that, in any case, good results are awarded money. And, imagine how frustrating it can comprehend it in adulthood, when at work for the excellent results he will not get bonuses. In contrast, the increase may get one who is closer to the boss. Such contradictions are common in adult life, because life is not always fair.
  3. Further aggravate the situation, if you will give your child money for any evaluation, but for a higher score will be giving more money promoting. In that case, your child quickly that the money he will get in anyway and try to stop completely. You also have, in any case will have to provide it. And why should he try if he still gets the money for candy or a game?
  4. Receive payment for assessment, your child will begin to think that the efforts are worth the money. Of course, it is in the adult world. But try this case it is necessary only when the work is guaranteed a cash consideration. But often for other people, we are doing something for free as assistance and support. A study - there is investment in the future of the child. And also study in itself can be an interesting process. In this case, you need a personal example of parents to show that the resulting knowledge is the fruit of the efforts of the former parents. The knowledge they have been applied in practice and led to a decent wage.

Ultimately, every parent has the right to choose itself, on what basis to educate your child. But it is difficult not to agree that if parents behave appropriately in life and serious about the financial side of it, this is a direct example of the best, even more important than any moralizing and educational talks.
Sunday, 17 May 2015
How To Teach Your Child Not Tto Borrow Money?

How To Teach Your Child Not Tto Borrow Money?

About how, when, and how much to give your child to start spending money, you and I have discussed in earlier articles. Today I propose to talk to another vital topic - how to show a child benefit from the ability to save money for what you want, but do not take them in debt.

Imagine the situation: a 10-year-old boy Vanya parents give $500 every week as pocket money. Vanya has long dreamed of a game console, which costs $ 1300. The reserve fund * Wani have $320. Vanya's parents decided to lend him the necessary amount, but in the future expense allowance. That is to borrow money, not to buy him this thing. Educational effect of this decision is that the child for a while deprived of pocket money. During this period, he must feel himself to the rule: "You take other people's money at the time you give your and forever." More more effect will be achieved if the child has committed an unnecessary purchase spontaneously.

But in this scheme, there is one very important point, which should take into account the parents: do not borrow a child more than the amount of his two-week pocket the proceeds. Otherwise, you run the risk of spoiling relations with the child, because he was used to regularly receive money from you, and now proceeds to temporarily stop.

How To Teach Your Child Not Tto Borrow Money
How To Teach Your Child Not Tto Borrow Money?
I do suggest to specify in advance a list of the child that you as a parent will pay him ourselves and of what your budget is not calculated. For example, you as a parent ASSUME spending on clothing, shoes, school supplies, school meals, etc. Payment terms that are not included in the list are discussed individually.

It is clear that in fact that is not included in the list of most frequently will also indirectly be paid out of your wallet. You are giving your child pocket money. But such a simple way the baby will be formed financial skills, which are then able to significantly ease his adult life.

And finally. Often, grandparents, too, can give the child a certain amount. In order to "party politics" was unified, and the formation of a child's financial skills passed smoothly, we recommend advance to discuss the issue with representatives of the older generation of your family. Find out delicately, how much money they plan to give to your child, and how often, because sometimes an additional source of income and can serve as gifts received in banknotes birthday.
Insurance Will Rise By 50%

Insurance Will Rise By 50%

Rates for insurance may rise by 50%. Increasing the value of the policy is associated with a threefold increase in limits payments for damage to life and health and property.

The Ministry of Finance sent the government a new version of the bill on insurance, reported yesterday Vera Balakirev. According to the new version of the project, the limit payments to victims in the accident for damage to health will be 500 thousand. Rub. instead of the current 160 thousand. Limit of payments on property damage of 400 ths. rub. (Now - 120 thousand. Rub.).

As described by Ms. Balakirev, in the case of adoption of the law on compulsory motor TPL insurance rates could rise by 50%, reports Prime-TASS (now the base rate is 1,980 rubles.), While at the same time, she also said that the Ministry of Finance is ready to consider raising the tariff by 20 -30%. Terms adoption of the law is not yet known, said yesterday Ms. Balakirev. In February, the head of Rostekhnadzor Alexander Koval said that the tariffs for compulsory motor insurance is necessary to increase this year.

Increasing the limits will be a half-step, the head of Center for Strategic Studies "Rosgosstrakh" Alex Barb. According to him, the insurance companies may face increasing loss, despite the increase in rates for insurance policies. "The increase in losses can be associated with the new order of payments on health. If before the insurers pay the costs of the victims, in the future it will be necessary to carry out the payment upon receipt of damage, "- says Mr. Jag.

Insurance Will Rise By 50%
Insurance Will Rise By 50%

Deputy General Director of "AlfaStrakhovanie" Alexander Gorin agree that the loss ratio in the insurance market can grow. "If there is a major accident, and the culprit is detrimental to ten machines currently limit payments on the property - 120 ths. Rub. for everyone. This level will rise to 400 thousand. Rub. for each victim, "- said Mr. Gorin. He also believes that the difficulties may arise with the new order of compensation for damage to health. "In England, the payment is also carried out on the fact of injury. There are cases of fraud when the alleged victims bring a fake certificate of damage, "- said Alexander Gorin.
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